By default your Brillify Diamond painting picture Surface Fabric delivered.
Alternatively, you can choose whether to display your image Stretcher would like to have it delivered, or whether you want your picture on a high-quality Plexiglass plate would like to get.
Click click on one of the two variants below, continue your shopping or go straight to the shopping cart.
I'm happy with the picture, but I'm not finished yet. Some of the light blue stones are stuck together, but I suppose they will be enough. There'll be a photo on Facebook when I'm done.
By default your Brillify Diamond painting picture Surface Fabric delivered.
Alternatively, you can choose whether to display your image Stretcher would like to have it delivered, or whether you want your picture on a high-quality Plexiglass plate would like to get.
Click click on one of the two variants below, continue your shopping or go straight to the shopping cart.